Friday, 24 August 2007

some of my intrests (10)
lewis carroll

(quotes) (begin at the beginning and go on till the end) (then stop) (but I don't want to go among mad people said alice oh you cant help that said the cat) (we're all mad here) (everythings got a moral if only you can find it) (no good fish goes anywhere without a porpoise) (comment) (in this poem) (someone or something is killing someone or something) (but mostly) (and traditionally) (someone is killing something) (in carroll's case) (as carroll was a staunch member of the establishment) (a conservative) (that something being killed would not be the establishment) (therefore) (what was being killed or vanquished) (obviously) (something outside of the establishment) (something outside of carroll) (and perhaps) (as jung would have put it) (that which carroll was trying to vanquish) (was his own shadow) (that part of him that he saw as jabberwockish) (perhaps even) (carroll was trying to "kill" alice) (that unruly feminine underworld kaos creature that he) (after all) (had (foolishly) created)