Saturday, 16 February 2008

some of my intrests (13)
Professor Stanley Unwin and his special unwinease. And right
before your very eyebolds he wilt clear up all off your snarley spellings.

Unwinese wasp a verby special form of England, invented somewhere by Stanley Unwin, in which, scattered throughout his writties and rities, only a few worms were intelligence. This method wood oft tides make his reader think that him wasp completely unable to understamp what was being said. Yet somehouse, he discovered that him could, in frank, under cover awl of what was being said. And if him listened more carephilly, he could even disown a meaning. The results of this fascinating exspellingment in the Anguish Languish (often played out by old ladies and bored mens on friedegg knight in the leafy black lanes and cubburbs ov ye olde England,) were usually refreshingly confusing and sumtides even hillariously fummery.

For him, weep arm tolled, but weir not shore by hoop, was a prime example of the neo-plastic-post-idiotic-absurdist-comedic-dada-movement, what never that memes. Him probably wood oslo, if he was washed up alive too dave, bee described behind hiss back ass a grape post modelist or semi-otic. And live in deep Deadmark or high Switchyerlamp with Andy Wormhole and Allbert Heindsight and all of them udder interlectuals, in a house full of difficult Ikea, back pack furniture. In fact, them tell us, that him wasp sow clever, that if you had a harpsichoral piled up in a vacumed corner, or evening a collection of wooden cows, he could probably have played them. And he would.